Someone broke in on Sunday

July 31, 2024

You might recall that last October I mentioned having a security camera (wasps loved it). I got it because I wanted to make sure I could keep an eye on the house while i wasn’t there. Not only do I have tools and appliances there, I also know that some point someone stole one of the two furnaces from the crawlspace. (This was before my time, but I didn’t want it to happen again – or at least, this time around, I would have evidence.)

I am glad I got the cameras, because otherwise I would not have caught someone jimmying the lock on Sunday, and going inside the house.

I think the guy used a credit card to jimmy the lock. I can’t quite see what he was doing in the video, but I do know that I locked the door. I also know that I didn’t lock the deadbolt. Next time around I will.

TBH, I didn’t lock the deadbolt because I knew that the locks weren’t very sturdy anyway. I am pretty sure you could break the lock and open the door using only a large flathead screwdriver and some muscle power (and if that fails, a medium powered drill will do the job, or you could force a window open and then unlock the door from the inside). I did not however expect that someone could get in using only a credit card.

P.S. I do know why the guy was here, but there is an issue which I don’t want to mention it until after it is resolved. In any case, he should not have entered my house, and he knew that.


This blog was launched in order to share one newbie home buyer’s experience in buying and remodeling a wreck of a house.

Like the house itself, this blog is a work in progress.

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